
Showing posts from 2008

Tea Time!

Tea - In the morning? - Yeah, Divya makes it and wakes me up...and I forget to drink that. Tea - In between movie interval? - No I am good. Tea - In the mid morning? - No. Have work to do. Can't afford to spend time. Tea - Evening? Still piled up! You guys go ahead. Tea - In the late evening? No. I'd rather go for coffee. Have to put in some extra tonight. Tea - When you are in the US? - Anything for a good cup of tea! You never get to know the importance of a good cup of tea unless you are kept away from that. Janhavi gave me a Tea bag today, its a good subtitute but still... I have one more good reason to miss my country.

Harman and Hritik

... both of you look like Rakesh Roshan... Kudos to you Rakesh!

Slow Motion!!!

Have you ever observed the prime time soap operas on any channel!! One thing very evidently visible with each of them is the SHooooooooooooooooMMM effect(for showing trechery, lust, mistrust and happYness) and the other thing is that... they all are in slow motion... Mannn!! They roll a 10 mins recording over a stretch of 30 mins!! Mynnd blaawinnn!!

Scooty Miss Teen (DIVAS) India... Booo hoooooo show!

11 pretty ugly girls These girls probably might be coming from all around India, and Ranvijay made a JATT girl realize that she is JATT and "JAAT HUMESHA JEETATE hai"... another honest effort to divide the country and earn money through SMS. 1 beautiful sexy host with an English accent... more English than the British people… Ranvijay is her boy friend and she’s got looks matching with that of Lisa Ray. Cute and Sexy... but a real compromise on IQ.... NO AND I AM NOT GAME FOR HER. A stupid set of foolish questions For finding the “bottom two females” everyone else in the group asks their favorite "push outside" girl silly questions like "Why do you keep your room unclean?" "Why do you dry your clothes in the bathroom?" "Why do you act like a guy" And then the real booh hooh show starts. A hell lota tears... The tear is the after effect of the silly stupid questions and it gets followed by a even the more stupid kind of a vote out. A to

Wassup youngistan?

Recently these MTV guys have started this awesome show Wassup youngistan... the voice of young India in a very unusual, unmanly and probably unseen time slot...i.e 8:30 A.M to 9 A.M....They have got almost everything, as in a very good concept along with very good VJ's like Ayushmann but honestly what they really dont have is... a good time slot. Come on "Wassup" guys! What you guys offer is "awesome" stuff for the "awesome" public... but I lay bets that not much of this "awsome" public would be awake in your air time. Come to think of it, do you remember getting up anytime before 8 A.M and sitting up in front of the television for your favourite show as soon as you get up? Come on guys, take a break! What are you guys upto hunn?

Damm you Ashutosh!

"Damm you Ashutosh for voting Prabjot out.".... this is what Divya said last Satuday after watching the vote out...err... sorry, usage of the elimination power done by Ashutosh. Well, what I'd say is, Ashu's done the right thing. Ok, there probably might be two reasons for doing that. Firstly, he wanted to break the unity between Sonal and Prabjot. He could have never done that without eliminating Prabjot out. Sonal is really like ymmm, I know and Ashu is real game for her!! and she just tries to show her dimple everywhere with a angel overcoat, but, only Ashu is really sensible enough to know that "Its not about winning the game but its only about winning the game". Nihal on the other side played very safe the other day by saying "Ashu, terko pata hai tujhe kisne vote kiya hai aur kisko vote out karna hai" (I don't know if they are in love or something but certainly Ashutosh loves being Nihals Katputli.)What Nihal said too made a lot of sense,

How often do you let other people's nonsense change your mood?

Ciny Alex, my college friend, sent me this very sensible article! Go ahead you too will agree with it. Do you let a bad driver, rude waiter, curt boss, or an insensitive employee ruin your day? However, the mark of a successful person is how quickly one can get back their focus on what's important. David J. Pollay explains his story in this way…. Sixteen years ago I learned this lesson. I learned it in the back of a New York City taxi cab. Here's what happened. I hopped in a taxi, and we took off for Grand Central Station. We were driving in the right lane when, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car's back end by just inches! The driver of the other car, the guy who almost caused a big accident, whipped his head around and he started yelling bad words at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean…he was friendly. So, I said, "Why di

"Wat an idea sirji" to "Garv se kaho, Hello!"

Advertising gurus usually try their best to stay away from controversial and social happenings like caste and religion, but innovation seems to have brough a twist in the plan by bringing the new ‘What an idea, Sirji!’ ad of Idea cellular. It draws attention to the equalizing power of mobile technology – how by subscribing to this network everyone can have a unique identity, abandoning traditional jati based identity, that for centuries has divided communities and spread disharmony. Thanks to the hypothetical idea from the Idea network now people may belive that the village will no longer be divided along caste lines and will go for the same series cell numbers, thus stick to the same network also there will be no hierarchy, no domination, no violence. There will be peace everywhere. What an idea sirji!! But as to every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. Airtel has now tried to follow the same suite by modifying one of the famous Hindu punch line as "Garv se kaho, Hell

Not so Flashy!

Follow this link and roll on the floor... This video shows how to install SilverLight on your machine.. the only problem I see is that, to view this video you need to have silverlight already installed on your machine... I just wonder how anyone can think so creatively... Ok. This is what you need to install silverlight. Lets still keep a watch on this year old technology that probably was not able to prove its metal. I guess, big authoring tool players will shortly come out with new authoring tools for people to widely make use of this technology and only then will this technology flourish. Until then lets keep our fingers crossed... and by the way, by now everyone probably just knows what to fall on, if Adobe gets naughty about their Flash Player.

Vista! Eptiome of Innovation.

From a Blue Ocean to a Pink Ocean

TATA unveiled the world's cheapest car at the Auto show in Delhi a few days back; 'TATA nano' the ""most"" economical car an Indian could ever get. It was definitely the crave for innovation and their blue ocean strategy that has made this a reality. But while gearing up for an uncontested market space actually the words ""most economical"" of their ad campaigns were way far enough but somehow they ended up doing a big mistake. And the consequence of that big mistake surely is going to be disastrous. Everything was going just fine until they launched the car, but why on earth did they ever think of comparing Nano with the good old India’s favorite entry segment car, i.e the Maruti 800 (Frontie, as her pet name goes). As for me this was the most insensible, dumb, foolish, moronic thing that TATA's would have ever done. They should have never compared Nano with some other small car. Now, this not only has become an advantage for Mar

"Looks" like Web 2.0!

Yesterday I was chatting with Sarah, who happens to be my so called chat buddy from the States. While we were just in between of a breezy chat this gal went up like... "Waaaaaw, check it out mate! This is so kewwl! Look how amazing this page looks, its got this mouse over effect when I roll my mouse over these flowers...its simply amzinnn, must be Web 2.0 AJAX, right? Hello! There is definitely some confusion about Ajax, and in particular Web2.0. What you are seeing right now through Ajax is what the Flash guys were probably doing back during the world war. As a Technical Lead, yes I have fought AJAX based Web2.0 as any new dumb buzzword that comes around. I have to admit, there is definitely something in Web2.0. However, in my opinion, it’s got nothing to do with the technology as such. The effect that people like Sarah have been admiring is just a mere UI magic with the help of JS, and this certainly has been around for a long time and yet now it looks like people are realizing

Joke of the day!

Donno from where I got this image... but I guess I thought it was worth uploading.


So what if I had to remove the template of my site! No problem! This tools really worth it!! People are talking too much about this new Social-interaction tool for eLearning(I guess so)... so I just wanted to see if I can make one for my blog... Urekaa!! Click on the icon once for a Space Age pod to open! Damnn coool stuff... Ok. You can create polls, have debate, mark your links and do a hell lotsa things... mann... this tools gonna shrink the size of world... Ok. As me how I did it... And thanks A TON Shamaila for showing me how to do it. :)

Mac vs Vista - Stuuu good.

and look at Vistas answer to Mac

Advertisement Idea -II - Fiat Palio Stile

A baby sleeping licking his lips. Camera stills exactly on his face. Everything other than his face is barely visible. You can hear his lip lick... ‘smlick smilicckk’ as he licks his lips calmly with a small head shake.... and slowly the camera zooms out and it feels as if the baby is sitting on a couch... a big couch accompanied by his mother and brother...(which apparently is the Palio's rear seat) and when the camera zooms out yet further, you realize that there is his father who is actually driving him... and further when the camera moves out of the car... you realize that the car is actually a part of a race derby... way ahead of the other cars yet on the race track.... And a sharp bassy voice mumbles... Stile from Fiat Palio… ‘Silent’…. ‘yet violent’.