So what if I had to remove the template of my site! No problem! This tools really worth it!! People are talking too much about this new Social-interaction tool for eLearning(I guess so)... so I just wanted to see if I can make one for my blog...
Urekaa!! Click on the icon once for a Space Age pod to open! Damnn coool stuff... Ok. You can create polls, have debate, mark your links and do a hell lotsa things... mann... this tools gonna shrink the size of world...
Ok. As me how I did it... vishaladsool@gmail.com.
And thanks A TON Shamaila for showing me how to do it. :)
Urekaa!! Click on the icon once for a Space Age pod to open! Damnn coool stuff... Ok. You can create polls, have debate, mark your links and do a hell lotsa things... mann... this tools gonna shrink the size of world...
Ok. As me how I did it... vishaladsool@gmail.com.
And thanks A TON Shamaila for showing me how to do it. :)