
Showing posts from 2007

Advertisement Idea - Fiat Palio Stile

A scenic looking wild, untamed, green, utter lush looking grass fields having knee length grass blades shining with typical tropical sun on top..Birds chirping merrily... Everything looks just like still life and suddenly you hear the furrrrrrrr flaps of the bird wings move by and the grass moves as if a storm has badly hit the field...the camera then slides back at 45 degrees of elevation.... and you see a blazing red Fiat Palio Stile zoom on the road. A hard voice then says.... "Palio Stile from Fiat.... 'silent'..... yet violent" and after a short while suddenly life returns back to normal once again after the car leaves the scene...


The other day Divya(my beloved wife) asked me... "What would you be if you were not a Software Engineer back at Harbingers?" My quick response was "an advertisement guru?"... yeah I know its not exactly any piece of cake for any jackO but why not give it a try, right?... So I'll try to be one on my own blog... which I presume, not many visit so not many will have any objections or obligations. So all the things that I do on my blog... consider them completely foolish yet copyrighted © and please forgive me if your product is getting advertised here in a way you don’t want it to happen. Do let me know if you have any concerns, comments or suggestions… In case if want to Alt+F4 anything do let me know and I’ll pull it off from here as quickly as possible.

Map to Maratha Mandir

This is the map to Maratha mandir... Click on that to see a full size view.

US Zip Codes

Visit this site... Zip Codes . If you go on typing single digits like 1, 2, 3, 4... it lists down all the states one by one. Once you make it double digts like 11, 12, 13... 21, 22, 23... you'll see the particular areas getting higlighted.... and so on it lists down to the minutest detail. After trying a few combinations you'd probably understand the whole Zip code christning thing in US... its really awsomee!! Firangis are so damnn rational thinkers yaar! By the way... the above application that Ben Fry has made is made in Flash! Hail Macromedia... cheers Adobe!

Travelling with stile.. the perfect style

She looks hot, gorgerous and can run like a wild beast delivering you the perfect edge against all her compititors... Its like almost 2 months since I own this car and I really remember going in for a Palio was a big good decision and initially it really felt like gambling.... Most of the times I heard some noises in my head constantly whispering "SWIFT, UVA, SWIFT, Getz" but I completely ignored all of those and went in for this car. Right since my childhood, I never wanted to be somebody who is always in the box, instead I always nurtured my dream of becoming someone who is just out of the box and I kept on doing things the harder and different way. The catch is that not always did I succeed. But in this case I sure did. Maruti swift would have been a common mans decision... just becuase somebody says its funky does not necessarily mean its got to be funky. I used my own senses and took a couple of days out to evaluate every possible option that I had. Honestly, I dint e

Mouse Clicker

Came accross this fetabulous game. Thought of hosting it over here. Give it a try... Try to beat my score of 1368.

Finally Passed!

When was the last time you ever got the same feeling you used to get on your results day back in school? Well, I got one right today when I was at the post office waiting to check if my passport had come there or not. My wait for the Passport took some real ugly turns and I feel quite light from the bottom now. And when I say light from the bottom I really mean light from the bottom, and that's not a figure of speech! my purse feels much lighter than it used to be before applying for a passport. It all began 25 days back, when I went to the police station for the address verification. I was lighter by 300 there itself. The gentleman over there made me go up and down my house which I believe was unnecessary. Though its just 4 kms from there, yet I felt it was a sheer waste of my otherwise indefatigable energy just to get some documents that even the passport department never asked me to produce. In the process, he also convinced me that he was doing a big favor by accepting my bank

The Lucky Ali Poll

Me and Vikram had a small argument today over Lucky Ali's voice. Guys please spare a minute in casting your vote. Thanks in advance.

Letter to Hathway...Where are we going with this kind of service?

Respected Authority… First of all I really wish to appreciate the service that you are providing when it comes to the cable network. Unfortunately I can’t say the same thing when it comes down to the internet service because of the following things. My internet is not working consistently since the past week. I have paid my bills and expect the service against the same. I did call up the call centre and it did solve my problem in 24hours (which I feel is too long wait time) Yet again the problem persisted the next day. I again called up the call centre and they solved my problem again in another 12 hours. Now the problem has reproduced. That’s a big problem. I tried to call up the call centre but of all the technical help lines that Hathway has specified on its bill, only one seems to work. That too was busy since yesterday night 1 AM to atleast 3 AM. After that I tried again in the morning and still I couldn’t get through till 10:30 AM. I wonder if it was off the hook unless. You serv


Height of insanity towards customers... None of the phone numbers that they have given on their site seem to be working. The customer executives talk as if they are burdend to talk to us. You can hear their loud laughs and stuff when a support call is in progress... the jokes are so funny that sometimes even the call assistants doesent hesitate in laughing out loud... The feedback mail that I filled up on Hathways site was listed as spam!!! Blaaady freakin Hathway!!

Stupid Ideaz!

Idea Cellular won the International GSM Association award for Billing and Customer Care !!! HAHAHAHA!! Yeah I dont know about billing but certainly the customer care might really be worth it.... as in they hardly take any calls from any customers and they hang up when they wish to... They deserver an award for that. What nansense!! Bikauuu!

Jago India Jago!

Jago India Jaggooo!!! Following is the President of India DR. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam' s Speech sometimes back.... "Why is the media here so negative? Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our achievements? We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we refuse to acknowledge them. Why? We are the first in milk production. We are number one in Remote sensing satellites. We are the second largest producer of wheat. We are the second largest producer of rice. Look at Dr. Sudarshan, he has transferred the tribal village into a self-sustaining, self-driving unit. There are millions of such achievements but our media is only obsessed in the bad news and failures and disasters. I was in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israeli newspaper. It was the day after a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken place. The Hamas had struck. But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of a Jewish gentleman who in five ye

Car Loan anyone???

Going in for a car loan or a bike loan??... watch out for the games people play before you become the bait.... Its a tough tough tough mans world!!! the rest can barely survive... .... kudos Update: Also see

Magic of Thinking BIG

Existing Pettily petty environment say lot of things. It tells you, "whatever will be will always be", that you destiny is outside your control, that "fate" is in complete control. So forget those dreams, forget that finer home, forget that special college for the children, forget the better life. Be resigned. Lie down and wait to die!

Shushh!!! Raptivitys coming out with a new version!

Waaahaahaaaaaaaw!! After making kewl and rockin "Interaction Models (IM)" (as they term it), Raptivity is again coming back with new and exciting stuff it seems....(shushhH!!) 175 IM's were really like WaaahaaHaaaaaaaaaw!! and more IM's would be like more WaaHaaaHaaaaaaaaw!!! what else do you require to convert the e from electronic Learning to e of exciting Learning... Raptivity sure is going to templatize life one day... I'd bet on that! Mann!! I am really inspired from this tool! Well I am goin down to reserve my copy today.... maybe I'll get a better deal!