"Wat an idea sirji" to "Garv se kaho, Hello!"

Advertising gurus usually try their best to stay away from controversial and social happenings like caste and religion, but innovation seems to have brough a twist in the plan by bringing the new ‘What an idea, Sirji!’ ad of Idea cellular. It draws attention to the equalizing power of mobile technology – how by subscribing to this network everyone can have a unique identity, abandoning traditional jati based identity, that for centuries has divided communities and spread disharmony. Thanks to the hypothetical idea from the Idea network now people may belive that the village will no longer be divided along caste lines and will go for the same series cell numbers, thus stick to the same network also there will be no hierarchy, no domination, no violence. There will be peace everywhere. What an idea sirji!!

But as to every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. Airtel has now tried to follow the same suite by modifying one of the famous Hindu punch line as "Garv se kaho, Hello!"
What’s the big idea? Start a war for your subscriptions to grow?

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