The "Sticky Notes" that come with Windows7 happens to be a very good application. With this you can keep a track of your task list by scribbling stuff on it. Its just like the 3M Post-it notes that you usually use in office. Well, since the font formating capabilities of these notes was not very impressive I was just wondering if there is an alternative to strikethrough/strikeout a scribbled line from the note... and guess what! It does have a shortcut... Just like Ctrl+b is for Bold and Ctrl+i is for itallic , Ctrl+t is for S trikethrough/Strikeout .
"Privacy" - The thesaurus throws up various synonyms for this word. Confidentiality, discretion, secrecy, concealment , and more. However with Mobile Phones listening to your voice commands, home furniture and accessories getting internet and your car climate control getting synced with your bedroom AC, the veritable meaning in the word "Privacy" is perpetually getting lost while we are techno-enabling our day-to-day lives. Yes that very same life that is governed with the use of this technology and like it or not, you cannot change it. Well, today the top technology companies are vying for the lone top spot in a technically competitive market and each of them is ensuring they secure a irreplaceable spot in our lives. Take for example "Home automation". Yes, that seems to be the new buzzword. Even eCommerce companies are assisting people in getting their homes automated under the 'pretext' of running their day-to-day lives. But why ...
I am really not sure what this post should be about or why I am writing this. Infact I was not sure what I should write as the title of this blog post. I certainly see that year on year, my contribution towards this blog has gone drastically low. Blame it on my workload, but I could manage writing just a single sensible blog last year in March and now after more than an years time, I have finally found time to write a new post and fuel up my blog. When I really look back and do a quick review of when I posted more frequently I clearly see that I did that when I was a fresher in this industry, Transition to a corporate broadband that gave 20-30 KBPS speed from a couple of bits speed dial up modem was phenomenal! First thing that I did was, searched for my long lost chuddy buddys! So I bumped into this blog of one of such buddies and I finally checked this awesome website called Blogspot - got this sub domain and boom! It all started off with the Panwallah pattern, reivew for Youngist...